
Is the Multipassionate Chiropreneur Course Right for You?

Take this quick quiz to see if you're a good fit for the course!

Let's get to know a little about your clinic, your life, and your plans!


Question 1 of 8

Where are you at in practice?


Just graduated, getting my feet under me and figuring out my day to day systems & marketing


Practice is going well, would like to grow to add another doctor


Very established practice, growth is always appreciated, but looking to spend more time working ON the practice instead of IN.

Question 2 of 8

How does a full work week of seeing patients make you feel?



GOOD! I'm just starting and have lots of room for growth on my schedule


Good- a little repetitive, though


If I’m honest, a week full of adjusting is a little exhausting and taking up time I need to work on the business

Question 3 of 8

When problems arise in the clinic, who's responsible for solving them?



90% of the time it's someone else. Only the important issues reach me


We've got some good training and systems in place that a lot of the little stuff gets handled without me


I feel like I'm putting out fires every day. I'm the one responsible for ALL the problem resolution

Question 4 of 8

When it comes to growth for your practice...



I'm laser focused on my vision and the roadmap to get there. I don't get distracted with new marketing, gadgets, etc for growth strategy


I know I want to grow, and know we need more new patients and better retention to get there- but that's as detailed as the plan gets


I'm constantly feeling like we need more growth, but not sure how to do it. I'm consistently trying new ways of getting more patients and not sure what's working or not

Question 5 of 8

When you need to work on executing an idea in our outside of your practice- how easy is it to find the time to devote on it?


Plenty! My schedule at the clinic has chunks of time devoted to working purely on the clinic


Not a ton, but can fit it in, in between patients


No time, unless I’m waking up an hour earlier or skipping something else on my schedule

Question 6 of 8

What's next for you in 2024?


I'm in growth mode! I need to be head down and focus on increasing patient numbers


Not really sure- I would like to make some changes at the clinic that give me some more freedom back


I need to pull back more in 2024 so I can work on projects outside the clinic

Question 7 of 8

What is your plan for your career?


I’m too new to think about what I want. I’m just head down in starting everything


I haven’t even begun to think what retirement could look like- but I know I don’t want to work until 65


I know I want to retire early and that I want more income coming in than just from my practice

Question 8 of 8

If you stepped away from your clinic tomorrow, in what shape would it be in if you came back 2 months later?


Just like it is now, if not better! My team and systems run my clinic.


It'd take a hit but my people generally know how to do things


I'd be surprised if the building still had doors on it! Everything in my clinic runs through me and I'm the only one who really knows anything.

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